Friday, September 01, 2006

Baptista - Why I want to win trophies straight away : Exclusive: Baptista - Why I want to win trophies straight away

Back to our other Brazilian signing:
“For me personally, I haven’t won anything for some time,” he said on Friday afternoon. “It is my hope that I can win a title with Arsenal this season

“Arsenal is one of the best clubs in Europe. I am very happy to be given the opportunity to come here, where I know the manager a little.”
Some people, including me, have wondered if he'll really be up for this move. From what he's saying it seems like he really is up for it. Also it's good that he'll get a chance to taste the Emirates Stadium this Sunday when Brasil face Argentina.

One thing is for sure! Julio Baptista will be a whole lot more motivated that an unhappy Reyes or a grumpy Cole!


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