Thursday, April 27, 2006

Why Felipão is the best man for England

Why do I think Big Phil is the best man to take over the England job? Simply put he's better than all the other candidates and he's better than Sven. I think Scholari's style will sit well with the England fans too. He knows what he wants and he knows how to get his way with millionaire players. Unlike Sven who's allowed Beckham and co to run the team.

People have been trying to compare other candidates for the England job with Felipão but comparisions just don't fit. How can you compare managers who've never won a trophy with a guy who's won trophies domestically in Brazil, internationally with Brazil and has coached Portugal to the highest standard? Big Phil knows what managing England means. He knows how to form a team that can be better than the sum of it's parts. He'll play to England's strengths rather than playing to the whims of overpaid rich boys.

Let's hope the FA can get Felipão to sign up because it's England's best hope of winning something.


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